Surveyor Indonesia handed over Halal Certificates to 248 Micro, Small Enterprises (UMK) under the guidance of BUMN PT Telkom Tbk, spread throughout In
Shareholder decisions were taken regarding the dismissal and appointment of the President Commissioner and President Director, the dismissal of the Di
This training is an ongoing activity of planting coffee trees carried out by PT Surveyor Indonesia personnel in 2022.
Let us unite together to build a country with a heroic spirit.
PT Surveyor Indonesia acts as a trusted partner of BKPM in providing assistance in the assessment process of One Stop Integrated Service Performance A
discussing the scope in the form of designing business initiatives and formulating the Net Zero Pledge.
The Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas is holding the 2023 SDGs Annual Conference (SAC) with the theme "Water, Energy and Agriculture
The award was given after going through the preliminary stage and presentation round by 5 judges who are communication experts. The award was received
The training was held in Bandung, at the Virage Awie Indonesia Workshop which was held on 26-28 October 2023 and was attended by 35 disabled participa