Mar 18, 2022

Surveyor Indonesia 2022 Performance Optimization

This direction from the Board of Directors aims to improve work ethic as well as in the company's efforts to achieve the company's targets in 2022, including to again ensure the achievement of the company's revenue and profit targets this year. Where in 2022 PT Surveyor Indonesia is targeted to get revenue of Rp 1.731 trillion or 8% growth from realized revenue in 2021 and net profit of Rp 190 billion or grow 22% from realized net profit in 2021. President Director of PT Surveyor Indonesia, M. Haris Witjaksono, also conveyed the strategy for achieving the Company's Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) for 2022, namely by ensuring that strategic decisions made by management can be implemented in 2022.

In his direction, the Board of Directors expressed their highest appreciation for the company's performance and achievements in 2021 with the realization of revenue in 2021 of IDR 1.605 trillion or 110% of the revenue target in the 2021 RKAP of IDR 1.459 trillion. The company also managed to realize a net profit of Rp 156 billion or 101% of the net profit target in the 2021 RKAP of Rp 154 ​​billion.