Apr 11, 2023

PERISKA Surveyor Indonesia in collaboration with the Social and Environmental Responsibility Unit of PT Surveyor Indonesia and KSO SCI-SI held an event to share the blessings of Ramadan

To Welcome Eid Al-Fitr 1444 H, PERISKA Surveyor Indonesia in collaboration with the Social and Environmental Responsibility Unit of PT Surveyor Indonesia and KSO SCI-SI held an event to share the blessings of Ramadan at AuIa Graha Surveyor Indonesia on April 11, 2023.

This activity was opened by the Chairperson of PERISKA, Juni Astuti Witjaksono. In this activity, food packages were given to office boys, drivers, KNU security, building security, cleaning services, building technicians, parking attendants, caraka, receptionists, and employee orphans. This assistance is a form of Surveyor Indonesia's commitment to continue to share and care for the surrounding environment. It is hoped that this assistance can help meet household basic needs ahead of Eid.