Apr 26, 2022

Kartini Day 2022

A quote that will never end with time from a figure who fights for equality and the welfare of women. Yes, a quote from the female character, R.A. Kartini.

#SItizen To celebrate Kartini Day, Surveyor Indonesia held the Kartini Days 2022 activity "SI Superwoman, Let's Collaborate to Face Global Challenges". Also attending the event was the Director of Human Resources of PT Surveyor Indonesia, Lussy Ariani Seba, the Director of Finance and Risk Management, Rosmanidar Zulkifli, along with all surveyors of Indonesia.

The event, which was held in a hybrid manner, was used as a place to share experiences with the heroines who often go directly to the field to carry out their duties as surveyors and inspectors.

It is hoped that with this activity, the heroes at Surveyor Indonesia will further improve their competence and continue to work for the progress of the nation. Keep moving forward Indonesian women!